Strategic Plan Timeline

Timeline, Process and Leadership
Saint Mary’s Transformation 2028 strategic plan was developed over the course of several years. Always aligning with our strategic priorities and needs, the plan serves as a living document that will evolve and guide the College’s activities through 2028. Key milestones and planning activities are described below, beginning with the most recent.
In Summer 2024, the first Annual Report was issued and shared with the campus.
In Spring 2024, progress statuses of the initiatives in 11 priorities were published on the Transformation 2028 website.
During Fall 2023, the initial rollout to campus of the initiatives and their status took place, and presentations to faculty and staff conveyed prioritized goals. An updated process and structure was also developed.
Summer 2023 was devoted to the development of annual action plans and prioritization strategies, with campus leadership focusing on key performance indicators (KPI), development of a KPI tracking dashboard, and related processes.
Earlier in the year, “SMARTIE” goals and tentative KPIs were developed. In January 2023, the plan’s goals were delivered to the SMC Board of Trustees and Transformation 2028 was formally approved.
Throughout 2022, initial work continued to take place on some sections of Transformation 2028 and final touches were made to the plan. A survey about the plan distributed to faculty, staff, and students resulted in 140 responses.
By year’s end, a final draft of the plan was delivered to the College president, and parties responsible for the plan’s implementation began to develop metrics and shepherd objectives.
In early 2021, “prototype papers” — considered the backbone of the strategic plan’s primary themes and priorities — were presented to the Board of Trustees. Later in the spring, monthly steering committee working sessions began to take place. By Fall 2021, early work commenced on certain sections of the plan.
In early 2020 — during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic — 79 members of the Saint Mary’s community volunteered to serve on eight separate working groups. Largely as a result of this work, “prototype papers” emerged as a tool for the development of themes and priorities. The prototypes continued to be “workshopped” throughout the year.
Later, in Fall 2020, a faculty and staff survey sought input on the strategic plan and led to further refinement. Monthly steering committee working sessions continued to take place.
Fall of 2019 kicked off the development of what would become Transformation 2028.
A steering committee was assembled, with initial data collection and feedback mechanisms put in place shortly thereafter. Included in those efforts were a survey sent to 27,000 alumni (13 percent response rate); nearly 20 campus “visioning” sessions with more than 175 participants; faculty and staff surveys; and more than 1,000 ideas collected.
Discover more about the Pre-Planning Process here.